Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Skin

As many may have noticed, I don't say much. That's because I'm a programmer and don't really have a lot to say, as I've typed most of anything I might say into the computer.

Well, after many cups of coffee and a few sodas, I know blogger's internal layout xml and have created a new skin that more closely resembles our corporate brand. I hope you all enjoy it, as I have spent a fair amount of time on it.

What lessons have I learned?
  1. Its much easier to write a section than to write the widgets and includes necessary into the code. In otherwords, when possible, let blogger write the widgets and only change id's and class names in the widget code.
  2. see number 1, no really, it does make life a lot easier.
  3. (shameless plug) Having a true checking account has made this a lot easier too. (Can I have my cheezburger now Josh??)
Seriously though, it may have been a little convoluted, and google's documentation on the subject left quite a bit to be desired; however I now feel that I could adapt any webtemplate to a decent looking blogger template. The best part, it only took me one whole day.

So enjoy the skin we're in!


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